Monday, April 4, 2011

Moyra Davey (as mentioned in class)

Sandra asked me to post the artist Moyra Davey who is a canadian photographer, filmmaker, and writer, living in NYC. Her book, "Long Life Cool White" includes essays and her photographs focusing on the everyday...
"Newspapers, dust, books, money, empty bottles, and the things on top of refrigerators all figure in series of pictures that bring viewers into a state of increased sensitivity to their everyday lives."
This site shows more of her work including "Copperheads" an installation of macro shots of pennies.
I also found this interview with her to be quite wonderful and explain more of the intention behind her projects.

I have read most of her book (would have finished if I didn't have to return it sadly) and I highly recommend it even if you are not quite in love with her photos. Especially her essay, "Notes on Photography and Accident" which talks about "chance, death, and the poetic that occur in the writings of three major theorists of photography: Roland Barthes, Walter Benjamin, and Susan Sontag." (says Amazon-and they are right!) She is a insightful lady with some intriguing points to present.

Though she is not related to our next project, referencing history, she is a fantastic artist so check this woman out.